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​​I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, 30 miles outside of Seattle, Washington. As a child I watched my larger than life heroes; Stallone, Eastwood, Schwarzenegger and the action stars of the day. While spending my childhood on the baseball diamond or on the football field, I was also preparing myself to one day be up there on the Big Screen.


Athletics and fitness, in the back of my mind, would prepare me physically for future roles in film. While continuing to play football and baseball in college, I decided to hone my acting skills as well. Since the age of 18, I have dedicated myself to study and feed my internal passion for the craft.


I have written several screenplays and myself along with SMB Productions are currently in pre-production for Loaded Monday. The second project currently in development is Action/Western. I look forward to taking on challenging roles and making films in Hollywood.

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